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Planning Board

The Planning Board is responsible for the Town’s overall planning and future development. This includes approval of subdivision and site plans, as well as updating the Master Plan, land use regulations, and developing and maintaining the Capital Improvements Program (CIP).

When Do We Meet?

Meetings are held regularly on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month beginning at 7:00 pm or as posted and are held in the Meeting House.

In order to have enough time to process your application and notice the hearing, applications must be submitted at least 21 days before the meeting. See the upcoming meetings and application deadlines here.

How Should You Contact Us?

Email or call our staff!

They can help you with any questions and can accept applications.

Staff MemberPositionPhoneEmail
Michelle HammondSecretary603-848-2059planningboard@canterburynh.gov
Jan StoutLand Use Administrator603-783-9955 ext. 10landuseadministrator@canterburynh.gov

Want To Join?

The Board consists of 7 members and up to 5 alternates. Members run for office, are elected yearly at town meeting, and hold three-year terms. Alternates are appointed by the Planning Board and serve three-year terms.

Click here to learn about running for office!


Board MembersPositionTerm Expiration
Greg MeehChair2027
John SchneiderVice-Chair2025
Joshua GordonMember2025
Logan SynderMember2026
Megan PortnoyMember2027
Rich MarcouMember2026
Brendan O’DonnellAlternate2027
Hillary NelsonAlternate2026
Jonas SanbornAlternate2027
Kent RuesswickSelectboard Representative

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Meeting Calendar

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Minutes and Agendas

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