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Testing Ballot Machine

Sam Lake House 10 Hackleboro Road, Canterbury, NH, United States

The Town Clerk and Town Moderator will be meeting at 9 a.m. on Wednesday February 26th, 2025 at the Sam Lake House to test the Voting Machine (ballot counting device) in anticipation of Town Election Day on Tuesday March 11th, 2025. They will also be counting the blank ballots in preparation for the aforementioned election. […]

Absentee Ballot Requests

Sam Lake House 10 Hackleboro Road, Canterbury, NH, United States

In addition to normal office hours between now and Election Day, the Town Clerk’s office will be available from 3 to 5 p.m. on Monday, March 10th, 2025 to receive absentee ballot requests and to accept returned absentee ballots, for voting on Tuesday March 11th, 2025. 

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